Saturday, February 25, 2012

Walking, Jogging & Rollerblading… with Your Furry Friend!

By Amanda

Do you love getting out and being active with your pet? I know I sure do! There are so many great (free) activities that you can do with your dog that keep both yourself and your furry friend physically and mentally fit. Some of these activities include: ball fetching, biking, Frisbee, jogging, rollerblading, soccer & walking.

And as you can guess, exercise offers the same benefits to your pet as it does for humans: tones muscles, helps prevent obesity, strengthens the cardiovascular system, strengthens bones, improves sleep and mood, enhances mental alertness and promotes health. Outdoor exercise also provides socialization opportunities!
While some dogs need much more exercise than others, all dogs of any age benefit from daily activity. One way to ensure you both get enough exercise is to exercise together! You are both a source of motivation for each other!

Ball Fetching: Fetching a ball or favourite toy is great exercise for your dog,  but it may not bring much of a workout to you as you stand there and toss. So while playing fetch, try doing some lunges or squats while you wait for your pet to bring the ball back. Try to avoid using tree branches or sticks, as they can hurt your companion’s mouth. You’ll also want to teach them the “release” command as well as how to bring the ball back to you. 

Biking: In order to start biking with your dog, it may require some special training in advance. You’ll need to teach your dog to run beside the bicycle without pulling or yanking. You may want to attach the leash to your bike with a special force absorber called a Springer. That way, if your dog tugs some of the shock gets absorbed and the impact on you is diminished. Also, you will want to keep a close eye on your dog, to ensure she doesn’t get exhausted while your on wheels.

Frisbee: offers a classic canine workout. You can play a relaxed game in your own yard or join a formal team. Participating in competitions may give you and your dog greater motivation to practice regularly. It is a fun sport for the both of you. Goal-oriented sports are great because they allow for continued behaviour training while simultaneously contributing to the pet-owner bond.

Jogging: is a fantastic way to keep you and your pal in shape. Build up to a regular routine by commencing with a five minute warm-up, a twenty minute light jog and then finish off with a five minute cool down. These are important steps to follow as you do not want to fatigue your friend. Great places to jog are around the block, a hiking trail and the park.

Rollerblading: Like biking, rollerblading poses a risk of being yanked off the road by your companion every time she spots a squirrel. To safeguard against this, proper training is required beforehand. That way you both know what to expect and enjoy this activity safely. A good way to help train her is to give her treats when she runs right beside and does not tug the leash. After several times, this behaviour should become routine to her.

Soccer: What a fun activity for you and your pet to engage in! I recommend that you get a soccer ball made for dogs as it softer made of hard plastic and come in different sizes to suit your particular breed. You kick the ball and your dog tries to pass it back to you either with her nose or paws. A great place to play is in the backyard or at the park.

Walking: a classic activity for you and your pet. Brisk walking is an ideal exercise for both you and your pet alike. Great for bonding with your four-legged friend as you sightsee. Walking is easy and relaxing and more fun when shared with your furry friend! Learning how to train dogs is also a fun, challenging and a very rewarding activity.

Do you and your pet engage in any other great pet exercises or activities?


Anonymous said...

What great advice! I have a park near my home so next time I take my dog out for a walk I'll bring along her favorite toys and I have a bunch of 'other activities' we can do together besides walking and running.

Jen27 said...

I definitely enjoy playing soccer with my pooch in the summer. He has this nice blue ball that he loves to chase after and I take him to the park and we run around for hours! It's such a great workout for the both of us. Love it!

Mike said...

I also enjoy swimming with my dog. We have a pool at home and she loves to join us. It is great exercise for her. We also bring her up north and she loves to run off the dock and take a dip in the lake. It must be great exercise for them since they are using all of their muscles plus she must love it because she is always so excited when we mention "pool" or "lake"

Amanda said...

Great comments! Swimming is another great activity for your dog as well as yourself. Not to mention a nice way to enjoy a sunny day! :)