Monday, March 5, 2012

There's No Better Therapy Than Pet Therapy!

Study Highlights Health Benefits of Owning Dogs and Other Pets

By Amanda

“Pheeew, what a long day! I’m exhausted.” “I got home from one of the worst days at work today and am not in a good mood!” I unlock my front door, groceries spilling out of the bags as I am greeted by the warmest of touches. I look down by my side and find the cutest stare glancing back up at me. “That’s all it took.” My mood was instantly elevated – I felt relieved, energized and happy! I leaned down and scooped up my adorable furball and gave her a great big hug and kiss! “Coconutttttttt, I love you!”

And that’s the plain truth – pets make people happy
. It has now even been scientifically proven that pets boost owners’ emotional and physical health. Our pets are a good source of social and emotional support for everyone; not only people facing health challenges.
Recent studies show that pets relieve the stress and anxiety of their pet owners. Specifically, pet owners displayed greater self-esteem, were more physically fit, tended to be less lonely, were more conscientious, were more extroverted, tended to be less fearful and tended to be less preoccupied than non-owners. Our pets are truly our best friend – they love us unconditionally, listen to us and comfort us when needed. We cherish our pets for all that they mean to us and we want them always at their best – healthy, fit and happy! To find out more on the study, click here.  

Like humans, pets need the right nutrition and exercise to maintain optimum health. Pet owners and pets that play together stay healthy together! You’re eating and exercising right – so should your pet – a good start is natural organic pet food. Coconut really enjoys and benefits from EVO Dogs – Turkey and Chicken Formula Large Bites DryFormula available at Brandy’s Holistic Center and Canine Café. I love having my dog around because I never feel alone. Somehow she makes me feel more comfortable. There is also something uplifting about an animal that loves you unconditionally. Dogs are a lot of fun. I think I have more laughs because of my dog than anything else.

Am I the only one who reaps these pleasant rewards from their pet? Please feel free to share your story.


Cristina said...

I am in total agreement with the above. Nothing is more fulfilling than coming home from a long days work and having Chichi look up at me super excited to see me! It is the best feeling in the world!

Sharon said...

Having a dog has totally brightened up our household. There's constant energy and laughter all the time. We all look forward to coming home every day to our excited, tail-wagging bundle of joy!

Amanda said...

Thanks for the comments! Pets truly are great! :)

Jacques said...

Ah yes, "Pet Therapy". We may not realize this benefit, but I agree with the article and can say for sure that our dog provides the social and emotional support when needed.

mike said...

Great article. I'm gone from home most of the week for work and I know our dog provides my wife a constant companion and feeling of safety and security. And I feel better knowing that she's not entirely alone. So, as is said, "happy wife - happy life" and our dog is a big part in making that happen.

Amanda said...

@Jacques - Pets are truly there for us humans whether we realize it or not!

Amanda said...

@mike - Thank you for your comment. So glad to hear that your dog is there to keep your wife company while you are away! :)