Monday, March 5, 2012

Secret Running Spots in Montreal

By George

Spring is almost here! And for you runners out there, that means revisiting park central areas again to openly run with your furry friends. Forget the snow, the cold, and the slush, from running during the winter season. Bring on the heat, the shorts, and the wildlife, form the joy of running in the spring and summer seasons!

In anticipating the weather changes, I would like to share with you some of my favourite secrets on where the best places to run with your dogs are (but you got to keep it a secret, OK?... I’m only kidding. Share them with other running enthusiasts who like to run with their dogs too).

Secret Spot #1
Mont-Royal Park

Secret Spot #2
Lachine Canal near Atwater Avenue

Secret Spot #3
Bois-Franc Park in Ville Saint-Laurent

Secret Sport #4
Canine CafĂ©, Brandy’s Holistic Pet Shop
469 rue Marie-Anne, Montreal, H2J 2A2

Now that I shared my secrets with all of you, can you think of other great places to run with our dogs? There’s no need to feel shy or embarrassed about your “secret spot” suggestion(s). The beauty of these places and your recommendation(s) are that they may not be for everyone; that’s why they are our “secrets” because they work for us. But maybe they will be a great discovery for someone else too. Remember the feeling you got when you first discovered your favourite place to run with your dog? Maybe you can bring that same excitement to someone else. So why not share them with us? And by getting involved, you too could discover new running spots from other runners. So go ahead, tell us, what’s your secret! 

And thank you for sharing in advance :)


Caroline said...

There's also Parc Lafontaine thats great !

Jessica said...

I love jogging near the river in LaSalle. Its really relaxing. Ill be sure to try out the Bois Franc area this summer!

Michael said...

Wow, these spots are gorgeous. I miss the summer :(

Jordan said...

Bois-Franc is hands down my favorite place to relax and walk. There's a small forest trail and dog park along the sides.

George said...

@ Caroline:
Thank you for sharing your "secret" location :) I will definitely have to pass by to check it out. I'm sure Max my Labrador Retriever) would love a new scenery. Thanks again!

George said...

@ Jessica:
I've been to the LaSalle river a couple times, but without Max (my Labrador Retriever). I should really visit the area again, it's beautiful! And I'll make sure to bring Max along. You should also give Bois-Franc a try, it's also stunning. Thanks for your "secret" :)

George said...

@ Michael:
Aren't they? Do you run? I would love to hear some of your "secret" spots around the Montreal area for running. Thanks for your post and I hope to hear from you soon :)

George said...

@ Jordan:
Bois-Franc is also one of my favourite places to run. My Labrador Retriever, Max, love it there. And your right, the trial makes it all that better. Can you think of other places to run? Thanks for your post :)