Saturday, March 3, 2012

5 Signs Your Pet's in Better Shape

By Amanda

1. When’s the last time you caught your cat dipping chips in ranch dressing?! 
There’s nothing better than spending an evening in, eating my favourite chips dipped in ranch dressing watching a romantic comedy, like the Notebook. Or even polishing off a tub of ice cream to myself! Those are my guilty pleasures! I don’t know why I enjoy indulging myself so much and I feed my cat and dog holistic pet foods. Go figure! 

2. I assume your dog doesn’t require two pots of coffee to answer e-mails in the morning!
“Gosh, I’m so tired!” I mumbled to myself as I crawled out of bed. I made my way to the kitchen to put on my regular two pots of morning coffee before opening my emails. Suddenly, I felt a tug on my pyjama pant leg and it was my dog, looking up at me with all the energy in the world. “Are we going to play now?” are what her big eyes were saying to me. I couldn’t for the life in me fathom at the idea of playing right now. “Sorry, but Mommy has business to take care of sweetie – Maybe later!” 

3. How is it that you have your vet’s number on speed dial but not your physicians?!
“I can’t believe that it’s been two years already since I last had a physical exam!” “Now, where did I put my doc’s number?” I can’t believe that I have my dog’s stuff in order but not my own! Why is it that we pet owners take better medical care of our pets than ourselves. My pet gets his vaccinations and vet check ups regularly and actually takes her meds which are hidden in her natural treats! 

4. Why does my dog await anxiously, wagging her tail, at the front door first thing in the  morning, while I’m calculating how many more seconds I can sneak in to sleep?
“Just five more minutes” I grumbled to myself as I hit the snooze button. “What’s all that noise?!” I wondered. “Oh, yeah – it’s Coconut barking and waiting anxiously for her morning walk” I thought. “How is it that she gets that excited to go out and walk this early in the morning??” “I’m not even ready to get out of my pjs!”

5. How come my dog doesn’t have two months worth of roots stemming out from her fur?!
“Wow! Look at these roots” I exclaimed as I looked at myself in the mirror. It has been at least two months since I last had my roots done. I glanced over at my dog and whispered, “You’re so lucky that you don’t have three inch roots growing out of you fur!” “Your fur is nice and groomed all the time; I take such good care of you!”


Philippe said...

Good article, my dog is the same! No matter what time of the day it is she wants to play! I think that how healthy/active your dog is really depends on the owner and how good they feed them and how much exercise they give the dog.

Laura said...

My dog has way more energy than I do! I sometimes wish that I could have some of his. LOL!

Amanda said...

Thank you for the great comments! I do sometimes feel like my dog is in better shape than I am!

Joan said...

Very funny but so true! I need my caffeine in the morning to wake up but Brandy seems to be refreshed and ready for another day every morning.
P.S. My dog goes to the vet more often than I ever go to the physician; I think its time I go!

Amanda said...

@Joan - Isn't is amazing the amount of energy that pets have?! I often admire my dog for all her spunkiness! Oh so true in regards to going to the doctor! :)

Amanda said...

@Joan - Just had another thought! Maybe we could make our doctor's appointments when we make our pets' vet appointments!